Tournament Details
Registration is only for qualified teams.
To be qualified, you MUST have finished in the top 30 of Kings of Cowtown 2023 OR finish in the top 10 (not already qualified) in one of the qualifying events 2024.
For full information about our annual Kings of Cowtown event, please visit our Kings of Cowtown page at
Rules will be given at the meeting and will be reviewed at the meeting. Please, no phone call questions prior to the meeting. If you have any questions about the tournament, we ask that you please ask them during the meeting so that everyone will have clarification at one time.

- JULY 11th
- JULY 27th
- NO INFO RULE in place – see details below under Tournament Information
- JULY 28th
- Registration CLOSES – see details below under Registration Information
- You cannot practice with anyone other than your partner after registration closes. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- AUGUST 3rd
- Angler Meeting – see details below Meeting Information
- One team member MUST be present, or your team will be scratched without refund.
- AUGUST 4th
- OFF LIMITS begins – see details below under Tournament Information

- Registration is ONLINE ONLY.
Please be sure that you have the correct information for you and your partner. We will use email, phone, and address for our records. - Side pot is optional and available by lake. Participation is not required, and you can elect which lakes you wish to participate in (one, two, or all three).
- You will need to make your election for side pots when you register. It cannot be added later.
- Registration will open on Friday, July 11th and close on Sunday, July 28th.
- Any teams not registered by CLOSE on July 28th will lose their spots and the wait list will open. There will not be a courtesy call given to teams not registered.

- At least ONE team member MUST be present or your team will be scratched from the field.
- Meeting begins at 6:00 pm, Saturday, August 3rd
- Location – Fun N Sun Boats and Tackle, 320 W. Hurst Blvd, Hurst, TX 76053
- We will discuss all the rules thoroughly. If you have any questions, please ask them during the meeting openly to be sure that everyone is clear on all expectations.
- Boat numbers will be drawn at the meeting on August 3rd.
- Your fishing times for each lake will be on your boat card.
- Your boat number will remain the same throughout the tournament. Day 2 will go out in order of Day 1 standings, but your boat number will determine where you launch at Lake Lewisville so please KEEP YOUR BOAT NUMBER.
- We will auction teams in our open Calcutta.
- ANYONE can bid on a team to win. You do not need to be a registered team to participate. This is open to the public.

NO INFORMATION RULE in effect SATURDAY, JULY 27th, 11:59 pm, through the conclusion of the tournament
- Beginning Saturday, July 27th, at 11:59 pm, no team shall give or receive any information to help them or another team in this tournament.
- During NO INFO period, you cannot practice with anyone other than your partner. NO EXCEPTIONS.
- No private messages regarding the 3 lakes in this tournament are allowed on any social media websites or forums. Other than using publicly available information, no fishing information may be purchased, bartered, solicited or received from ANYONE.
- Anyone who violates this No-information rule, the entire team will be scratched from the field without refund of entry fees.
- This will be a polygraph question.
- Off limits begins at 11:59 pm on Sunday, August 4th, and runs through the start of the tournament.
- No team may be on the lake for any reason. This includes any other fishing, leisure activities, etc. You may not be on tournament waters during this off-limits period.
- Anyone who violates this off-limits rule, the entire team will be scratched from the field without refund of entry fees.
- This will be a polygraph question.
- All teams must check-in before each leg of the tournament.
- Any team that fails to check in before any leg of this tournament will not be able to weigh in their catch for that lake.
- It is each team’s responsibility to notify the tournament director that they will be late for any reason. If a team is late and have notified the tournament directors, no penalty will be assessed.
- If a team is late, their live wells must be checked prior to making their first cast. (There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule)
LAKES – If weather or lake conditions force a lake change, decisions will be posted on public forms through our social media and updated on this website AS SOON AS A DECISION IS MADE.
- Eagle Mountain (West Bay Marina)
- Lake Worth (Casino Beach)
- Lewisville (Boats 1-30 put in at Tower Bay and Boats 31-60 put in at Arrowhead – CONTROLLED START FROM TOWER BAY)
- Boats 1-30 (original boat number) put in at Tower Bay
- Boats 31-60 (original boat number) put in at Arrowhead
- Eagle Mountain Lake: August 10th controlled start at safelight (West Bay Marina) Check-in times are listed below and scales close at 12:30 pm.
- Flight One (#1-20) – check-in by 11:30 am
- Flight Two (#21-40) – check-in by 11:45 am
- Flight Three (#41-60) – check-in by 12:00 pm
- Lake Worth: August 10th controlled start at 3:00 pm (Casino Beach) Check-in times are listed below and scales close at 9:00 pm.
- Flight Three (#41-60) – check-in by 8:00 pm
- Flight Two (#21-40) – check-in by 8:15 pm
- Flight One (#1-20) – check-in by 8:30 pm
- Lake Lewisville: August 11th controlled start at safe light in order of Day 1 Standings (Tower Bay) Stop Fish times are listed below and check-in at Fun N Sun is no later than 1:45 pm.
Boats 1-30 (original boat number) put in at Tower Bay
Boats 31-60 (original boat number) put in at Arrowhead
- STOP FISH TIMES (NO CHECK-IN at the lake. Check-in will be at Fun N Sun)
- Boats 1-30 (in order of standings) – stop fishing at 12:00 pm
- Boats 31-60 (in order of standings) – stop fishing at 12:15 pm
There will be no official check-in at the lake and no dead fish penalty for this weigh-in of Lake Lewisville only. A dead fish will not be considered for big fish competition.
The scales will open at 1:00 pm at Fun N Sun. All teams must be checked-in no later than 1:45 pm at Fun N Sun Hurst. All teams must have in possession documentation that you are entered in this event for transporting fish (Zebra Mussels). Documents are provided by Team trail Outdoors on Sunday morning at the ramp.
Tournament Director: Donnie Moore 817-896-2309